• A liquid can change its state to steam easily (fluid gas) 

  • Does not have scent nor color 
  • Is but heavy that the air 
  • Is not toxic but I eliminate produces burns in the skin 
  • Is made up of derivatives of petroleum and the natural gas       


  • Although the liquefied petroleum gas has no smell adds a odorant to him known like the mercaptano.

  • The odorant is a safety measure that allows perceiving the scent to gas, in case that an escape happens.
  • The odorant has a strong scent to disturbed egg that still sensitive senses of smell can perceive
  • Adding odorant is a law requirement

               SAFETY MEASURE      

We must test of gas escape in all the system from the safety valve to the entrance of the equipment that will use the fuel periodically      

This test is made mixing water with soap so that in case of escape gas bubbles form and the escapes with greater facility can be detected      

               WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN ESCAPE? 

  • Identifies the origin of the escape 

  • Close the container valve 
  • Closing Ventilates the area opening doors and windows 
  • Do not make telephone calls from the area of escape 
  • Do not ignite phosphorus or objects that generate sparks 
  • Do not ignite or extinguish lights 
  • Do not use air extractors, fans, or electrical equipment near from where the escape comes
  • When it is going to ignite the gas first ignites the phosphorus. Keep it ignited to average inch of the burner and open the gas.



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